Friday, August 10, 2012

For the Love of Bacon

I have been meaning to blog about this subject since the Colorado Batman Shooting over two weeks ago but just put it off. Now I am feeling like I have no choice but to since this sort of thing just keeps happening. I wish I could say I think it has concluded but I fear, no I predict, there will be more of these killings and the casualties will probably increase. I noticed from the get go with the Batman Shooting there were holes in this story that we were being fed by the Main Stream Media (MSM). Now, with the most recent Wisconsin Sikh Temple Shooting, I am picking up on eerie similarities. What I am about to lay out for you may just shatter your comfortable concept of reality. But if you truly open your mind to what is really going on you have a chance to free yourselves from the tyranny of oppression that is the world we live in today. What if I told you that these horrible events were not carried out by the demonized shooter alone? What if I told you that the shooters may not have even acted on their own free will? What if I told you that your tax dollars may have funded these covert operations. Mind blown yet? or do you shrug it off as crazy conspiracy theory talk? I ask that you read this blog and be open minded to the information I am giving to you. Refrain from making judgments until you have considered all of the facts. Then I encourage you to take to the net to research this for yourselves. I never, ever ask anyone to take me at my word, for I never, ever take anyone's word as truth alone. I want you to see the truth through your own eyes and the truth is the Government is behind theses attacks and the reason is gun control. Well I would say it goes far deeper than merely gun control, it all leads up to a New World Order. The dictatorship of the future. But with open minds we can fight back, we can over throw oppression, we can gain back the freedoms this government has quietly taken away from us.

Let's start with the Colorado shooting. I would say the first thing that stuck out to me with James Holmes was the way that he behaved post shooting. He goes to the trouble of shooting to kill 80 people without regard for race, gender or age then passively walks outside and surrenders to the police. One thing that was quoted in the beginning of coverage that was reported slightly different later on was what James Holmes said about his apartment. He said "I think my apartment may be booby trapped." Note the term "I think" clearly if this guy rigged his apartment himself in the way that it was rigged he wouldn't just "think" it was booby trapped, he would KNOW. We were told that he identified with the Joker from Batman but I never heard any character accounts about his obsession with the Joker. But lets just say he was trying to act out some sort of Joker type event, one thing you can guarantee is that the Joker would not have alerted police to the bomb in his apartment. The Joker would have sat back and laughed as the police focused on the theater and the shooter all the while his apartment would blow to smithereens and kill even more. The Joker delusion made no sense if you truly took a moment to look at James Holmes.

James Holmes was a very smart guy with a promising future in neuroscience. He was unemployed, yet somehow collected $20,000 in tactical gear, weapons and ammo. Where did he get the funds for those purchases? Another thing that didn't add up is where did a science geek get extensive arms knowledge? And don't tell me he figured it all out on the internet. If someone was that interested in weaponry at least one person would have come forward saying he was obsessed with learning about guns and ammo or had a collection. Nothing, all we hear about this man is that he was a quiet guy who had a clean record, nothing more than a traffic ticket. He was a camp counselor at a camp for underprivileged children, and he was well liked. Again none of this adds up to a future mass murderer.

So what does put James Holmes at risk for being involved in such a thing? One thing, the US Government. James Holmes was involved in neuroscience research for the federal government as part of his studies. This is where things went awry for James Holmes. Witness reports tell us that James Holmes bought a ticket to Batman, came in and seated himself in the second row. During the previews he received a call which he suddenly got up and exited out the emergency exit door. Shortly after the movie started a man in full tactical gear returned through that door and proceeded to throw tear gas canisters and open fire. Several accounts say gas canisters came from multiple locations indicating Holmes had help. Who called Holmes right before the shooting? Could that have been the trigger call to begin the mission he was pre programmed to do?

Here's where I think shit went wrong with this scenario. James Holmes was most likely not suppose to survive the incident. Most of these government controlled operations end in the shooter either being killed by the local law enforcement or they turn the weapon on themselves. Holmes did neither. It was almost like whatever drug or mind control process that was used on him wore off and Holmes, coming out of a twilight type state, attempted to redeem his situation by passively surrendering and even warning the police of possible threats in his home.

When Holmes appeared in court two full days later he was still clearly drugged and unaware of what was really going on. Since his incarceration, one jail worker stated about Holmes, "He claims he doesn’t know why he’s in jail,” the worker said the Thursday after he was detained. “He asked, ‘Why am I here?” He has no memory of anything that occurred, a typical effect of most mind control substances and technologies.

The James Holmes Shooting was such a clear cover up conspiracy theorists like radio talk show host Alex Jones we exposing the flaws within the first 24 hrs. The Psy-Ops wouldn't be quite as careless next time. Which brings us to Sundays shooting in a Sikh Temple in Wisconsin by known white supremacist Wade Michael Page. Who would question an openly racist person shooting up a temple of brown people right? Its just another unfortunate hate crime. No one would put these two cases together or realize the Government was behind it all...or would they? I have to admit, when it first happened I certainly did shrug it off as a tragic hate crime and nothing more. But when posting a comment about it on Facebook I found that one of my friends happened to know the guy accused of the shooting and said something that rang ironically similar to the Colorado shooting. She said, "No one knows why he would do something like this, he was a really, really nice guy." The friend admitted he was indeed involved in the white supremacist movement but also made it clear he wasn't a shoot up a temple kind of racist. No probably not, just an easy target. In fact, like James Holmes, Wade Page also had an eerie connection to a branch of the government that could raise some eyebrows.

Wade Michael Page served in a US army psychological operations unit before he was discharged in 1998 for a pattern of misconduct, including being drunk on duty.

Now, I'm not going to pretend this Wade Michael Page character was the epitome of a well balanced American citizen, or even a decent human being. Neither of those factors are the point in this piece. This guy was a white supremacist, he was heavily involved in the culture, ideals and in the hate-music scene. He was a drunk, had many DUI's and lost several jobs as a result of his drinking. Still, we all know drunks and we all probably know some racist or discriminatory people yet most of those people are not capable of shooting up a temple of innocent people. That is the consensus of the people who knew Wade Michael Page, this was (again like the Colorado shooter) uncharacteristic. In a CNN interview with Christopher Robilliard who claims Page as "his best friend" he described Page as “a very kind, very smart individual who loved his friends. One of those guys with a soft spot. He didn’t seem like the type of person to go out and hurt people” The stepmother of Wade Michael Page says he was a "soft-spoken gentle child" who displayed no sign of hatred as a child. So far, no hate-filled manifesto has emerged, nor any angry blog or ranting Facebook entries. Yet this man was known for his social networking entries and involvement. Again uncharacteristic.

But take this into consideration, the very first eye witness accounts stated that there were 4 shooters wearing black special ops gear. Yet somehow the MSM is now telling us we have a single shooter that was killed by the local police on the scene. What happened to the other three or do they hope that we conveniently forgot the first accounts saying there were four shooters.

A man who worked in Psychological warfare for the military, another who worked for the government research in neuroscience...coincidence? I think not! So if our government is using "Patsys" to do their dirty work. The question becomes how and even more significant why? Lets start with the how.

Mind control sounds like something out of one of my science fiction novels not something we see in practice everyday. But the reality is the government has been experimenting with mind control in various forms since the 1950's. A result of Operation Paperclip where the government recruited Nazi scientists for employment in the US post WWII. Many of whom had extensively worked with mind control and torture under Hitler. The US was amidst the Cold War and CIA paranoia ran high. They feared the Soviet government was perfecting with mind control thus lending to an unfair advantage in a war situation.

Headed by Sidney Gottileb
the MKUltra project was started on the order of CIA director Allen Welsh Dulles on April 13, 1953. Its remit was to develop mind-controlling drugs for use against the Soviet bloc, largely in response to alleged Soviet, Chinese and North Korean use of mind control techniques on U.S. prisoners of warin Korea. The CIA wanted to use similar methods on their own captives. The CIA was also interested in being able to manipulate foreign leaders with such techniques, and would later invent several schemes to drug Fidel Castro. Experiments were often conducted without the subjects' knowledge or consent. In some cases, academic researchers being funded through grants from CIA front organizations were unaware that their work was being used for these purposes.
One 1955 MKUltra document gives an indication of the size and range of the effort; this document refers to the study of an assortment of mind-altering substances described as follows: Substances which will promote illogical thinking and impulsiveness to the point where the recipient would be discredited in public. Materials which will promote the intoxicating effect of alcohol. Materials which will produce the signs and symptoms of recognized diseases in a reversible way so that they may be used for malingering, etc. Materials will cause temporary/permanent brain damage and loss of memory. Substances which will enhance the ability of individuals to withstand privation, torture and coercion during interrogation and so-called "brain-washing". Materials and physical methods which will produce amnesia for events preceding and during their use. Substances which alter personality structure in such a way that the tendency of the recipient to become dependent upon another person is enhanced. A material which will cause mental confusion of such a type that the individual under its influence will find it difficult to maintain a fabrication under questioning. . A knockout pill which can surreptitiously be administered in drinks, food, cigarettes, as an aerosol, etc., which will be safe to use, provide a maximum of amnesia, and be suitable for use by agent types.

If you trust that your government intended these experiments for prisoners of war and mental patients you find yourself wrong again. Several known deaths have been associated with Project MK Ultra, most notably that of Frank Olson. Olson, a United States Army biochemist and biological weapons researcher, was given LSD without his knowledge or consent in November, 1953, as part of a CIA experiment and died under suspicious circumstances a week later. A CIA doctor assigned to monitor Olson claimed to have been asleep in another bed in a New York City hotel room when Olson exited the window and fell thirteen stories to his death. In 1953, Olson's death was described as a suicide that had occurred during a severe psychotic episode.

Don't think they could take it as far as domestic terrorism? Think again. A considerable amount of credible circumstantial evidence suggests that Theodore Kaczynski, also known as the Unabomber, participated in CIA-sponsored MKUltra experiments conducted atHarvard Universiy from the fall of 1959 through the spring of 1962. During World War II, Henry Murray, the lead researcher in the Harvard experiments, served with the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), which was a forerunner of the CIA. Murray applied for a grant funded by the United States Navy, and his Harvard stress experiments strongly resembled those run by the OSS. Beginning at the age of sixteen, Kaczynski participated along with twenty-one other undergraduate students in the Harvard experiments, which have been described as "disturbing" and "ethically indefensible."
This isn't even getting into the possibility of the use of HAARP which is a relatively new technology that can be used to alter what we perceive as reality through low frequency radio waves. Through this project scientists can identify and isolate the brain’s low-amplitude ‘emotion signature clusters’, synthesize them and store them on a computer. This allows them to study the subtle characteristics of brainwave patterns that occur when a subject experiences a particular emotion. Scientists have been able to identify the concomitant brainwave and can now duplicate it. Now they can silently trigger the occurrence of the same basic emotion and reproduce it in another human through these frequencies. In short, this capability can implant a specific thought or command into the minds of people.

That pretty much explains the how, now the next feasible question is why? One can understand the use of mind control on foreign enemies, but to use it on our own citizens and for the purpose of domestic terrorism. What does our own government stand to gain? Well let me tell you in two words GUN CONTROL. Not just gun control like most Americans like to think either. We aren't talking about trying to ban assault weapons. We aren't talking about taking military weapons out of the hands of the bad guys. We are talking about a global push to take arms out of the hands of not only American citizens but out of the hands of every human being unless authorized by the global elite.

Over the span of my adult life I have seen the constitution of this country shredded. The sad thing is most Americans haven't even noticed that the rights they were born with no longer exist. We have seen our government destroy and revoke our rights and the thing that drives me nuts is everyone passively allows it to happen or even worse they ignorantly support it. Let's take a look.

1st Amendment: guarantees the freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, freedom of speech, and freedom of the press. Freedom of speech and freedom of the press are seriously threatened by ACTA (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement), a multinational treaty that presents itself as a ban on pirating, but is in all actuality a legal loophole to shut down any website at any time. But take a look at who was involved in the development of this Agreement, not only the Motion Picture Association but the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers. Now I don't know about you but it always throws up a red flag for me when the funding and support comes from the pharmaceutical industry. But Doctors Without Borders are saying this act is limiting their access to medicines in third world countries. In fact, this legislation threatens to make access to generic drugs illegal even in our own country.

Freedom of assembly took a serious hit on Feb. 29 with the passing of the Federally Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act. This bill states that protesting is illegal on restricted property, defined as “ a posted, cordoned off, or otherwise restricted area of: (1) the White House or its grounds or the Vice President’s official residence or its grounds, (2) a building or grounds where the President or other person protected by the Secret Service is or will be temporarily visiting, or (3) a building or grounds so restricted due to a special event of national significance. ” So if someone “important” is present or something “significant” is occurring, you aren’t allowed to protest. Later wording in the bill informs us that it doesn’t matter if we know the person is present or the event is occurring – it’s just flat out illegal and trespassers and offenders will be imprisoned.

4th Amendment: guarantees freedom against unreasonable search and seizure. This amendment was trashed by the Patriot Act, passed in 2001 by Bush and extended in 2011 by Obama. The act extended the definition of domestic terrorism, allowing search, seizure and surveillance without the formalities of a warrant.

The 5th and 6th Amendments: 5th guarantees due process (habeas corpus). 6th guarantees the right to an attorney as well as the right to a speedy and public trial. According to the 5th amendment a person shall not be “deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law”. According to the National Defense Authorization Act that right no longer applies if the accused can be defined as a terrorist. An American can now be indefinitely detained without trial, the right to an attorney or actual evidence. All that is required to implement this treasonous act is the suspicion of ”belligerence”. Let me clarify this one again, if your government decides to deem you a terrorist (and there is absolutely no standard legal definition of what makes one a terrorist). If you care called a terrorist for whatever reason the military can detain you, indefinitely. That's forever if they so choose. You have no rights to a trial and the state has no burden of proof that you are indeed a terrorist. Somehow everyone ignored that little detail and President Obama signed it into law on New Years Eve while all of us were distracted with the ball dropping in Times Square.

2nd Amendment: guarantees the right to bear arms. The second amendment has been suffering a series of sneak attacks, state by state. Instead of going after the guns (because that, of course, would be unconstitutional right?) they are going after ammunition. Recently the New Jersey state congress made a failed attempt to ban all handgun ammunition and some rifle ammunition. Illinois currently has a bill on the table to add a surtax to ammunition. Expect to see more states following suit. Gun registries and more licensing requirements are also imminent.

But now we have the UN Small Arms Treaty that, on the day of the Colorado Shooting, was two weeks from a vote to approve. (I would also add that two weeks prior to a vote to ban assault weapons, Columbine occurred...coincidence?). The UN and the global elite have disarmed most of Europe and Asia. They have an agenda to disarm the United States as they see our citizens as the largest threat to their plans for a global government aka the New World Order. Our constitution creates great deal of road blocks for the movement of the NWO. Therefore, our government is implementing extreme measures to take away our guns. Those measures are fear. If we can create a series of false flags the people will be in so much fear they will willingly hand over their guns. False flags (aka Black Flag) operations are covert operations designed to deceive in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by other entities (i.e. deranged shooters who think they are the Joker or hateful racists). The name is derived from the military concept of flying false colors; that is: flying the flag of a country other than one’s own. I only covered two of these such events but I'm willing to say the Arizona shooter (who ironically during the two weeks between the Colorado Shooting and the Sikh Temple shooting pled guilty to his crimes) was also under the control of these entities as well. 

The Bill of Rights is our protection against the government, against such entities. This document is a summation of the lessons learned by our founding fathers in our original fight for independence from an oppressive government. As the current regime encroaches more and more on the freedom this country, we get ever-closer to the need for a new Revolution. The sad thing is, this revolution is against the very people who have been elected to represent us and protect our rights. Our government has turned against us, voting behind the safety of closed Congress doors to enslave us, disarm us and imprison us. Yet, we are called traitors, terrorists and extremists for supporting the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as our basis for law. The MSM makes us out to be crazed conspiracy theorist in order to ensure that you pay no attention to our pleas. Perhaps, most of the United States and the Sheeple that populate it are under the careful control of MK Ultra, or HAARP. For most of this nation has stopped thinking for itself, stopped fighting for its rights. Most of the people have allowed themselves to be distracted to the point of incompetency. You have allowed yourselves to believe what is put in front of you without ever questioning the validity of the resources. You have found yourselves so caught up in the American Dream that you haven't a clue when it is being stripped away from you right in front of your very eyes.

I submit this question for your reflection: the rule of law in the United States is the legal standard that all government decisions must be measured by applying the known legal principles of the Constitution. If all laws must be based on the Constitution…and our government officials (members of Congress, the President, etc.) are passing laws in opposition to this foundational theory…who are the real traitors?

Now a friend of mine while discussing this piece said that I couldn't tell you about the corruption that is going on because it will just confuse you. That if I offer you enlightenment and ask that you wake up and start seeing what is going on that I need offer you some sort of incentive. Incentive to wake up? It seemed odd, for I am constantly wanting to know what is really going on. I don't understand why one would need motivation to know what is being kept secret from you. But, I guess if you wish to wake someone up from their dream state you need to give them something worth waking up for. Like bacon or coffee. But what is the bacon in this scenario? I argue that it is freedom, true freedom not the fake freedom we are taught to believe we still have in this nation. Freedom from oppression and tyranny. Freedom from the fear that our very own government, funded with our very own tax dollars isn't going to send in a patsy to kill your family while you sit at a theater, place of worship or school.

But can merely waking up knock out the system that's in place? Will we wake up to bacon hot and fresh and waiting for us? Unfortunately, the answer is no, it will not. We have to wake up, get up, and fry our own bacon if we wish to enjoy it. What we need is good old fashioned revolution. We have to stand up like our forefathers did 236 years ago, put the bacon in the pan and fry it! I'm not talking about merely holding signs and Occupying space (remember that's been outlawed too). I'm talking about standing up and fighting. Do not allow the government to take your guns, do not allow the government to tell you what you can or cannot say or do. For those are the rights we were born with as American citizens.

And let me finish with one other thought, what if we just stay asleep? What if we like our dream, perhaps we were making out with Brad Pitt or scoring the winning touchdown at the Super Bowl. What if the illusion is better than the reality? Consider this: Nazi Germany was a totalitarian Big Brother police state that constantly monitored everything that German citizens did. Nazi officials often used their positions of power to force others to do dehumanizing things. In Nazi Germany, authorities could stop you and search you at any time and for any reason. Under Adolf Hitler, there were massive increases in government spending. Under Hitler, taxes were raised dramatically in order to pay for all of these social programs. In Nazi Germany, the health care system was taken over by the government. In Nazi Germany, killing the "defective", the "weak" and the "disabled" was considered to be a good thing because it made the German people "stronger". Once the Nazis took power, they rapidly implemented gun control legislation and later on they took all of the guns away from the populace. Under Adolf Hitler, society became very highly militarized .In Nazi Germany, the prisons were absolutely packed. Under Adolf Hitler, there was basically no freedom of speech. The technology being used today by our government came from Nazi scientists. The US government has built over 400 "FEMA" camps across the nation, and remember, they can detain you indefinitely, if they deem you a terrorist. Now recall those concentration camps that Nazi Germany had? How well did all of that end?

We have to wake up before it's too late. We have to wake up before the bacon goes rancid. We have to wake up, put our bacon in the frying pan, gather together and fight! Or...we can settle for the illusion. We can indulge in the dream and hope that one day we don't wake up to the nightmare of history repeating itself once again. I don't know about you but that is one gambol I'm not willing to make. I am going to get up and make myself some bacon...who's with me?

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Blog of the Living Dead

With the recent reports of zombie-like cannibalism all over the news one must ask, has 2012 brought a Zombie Apocalypse upon us? I know that cannibalism dates as far back as human history but never in my 35 years have I seen so much bizarre human behavior. Am I advocating the existence of zombies? Not exactly. The definition of zombie varies from a voodoo snake God whose power can enter into and reanimate a corpse...thus creating the walking dead. To a more realistic definition of a person who is or appears to be lifeless, apathetic, or totally lacking independent judgment. That could include a large number of people I see on a daily basis.

Clearly those involved in the recent tragic events were not walking corpses. Rudy Eugene the infamous Miami Zombie who chewed the face off a 65 year old homeless man was clearly alive when he left his home the morning of May 26th. He was not a reanimated corpse yet his behavior that day was one of a zombie nature. For 18 minuets he brutally attacked Ronald Poppo, tearing the flesh off his face with his bare teeth and eating the man alive. When police finally arrived and ordered Eugene to stop, he turned to the officer with a piece of Poppo's face hanging from his teeth and growled. It was described that even after being shot several times he didn't even react much less stop. It took 5 bullets to end the vicious inhuman attack that cost Poppo 80% of his face. A scene that certainly seemed zombie like. So what might have happened to Rudy Eugene between the time that he kissed his girlfriend goodbye and left his home clutching his bible and the moment he encountered Poppo. What could have turned a normally God fearing man into a flesh craving zombie? The media was quick to blame a designer drug known as bath salts. Mephedrone is a synthetic drug of the amphetamine and cathinone drug class. It comes in the form of tablets which users either swallow, snort or inject. But methedrone has been around since 1929 yet we haven't seen an influx of zombies until now. While some rather harsh and nasty side effects are linked to the drug, none of the other "zombie-like" attacks have been linked to the bath salts. Let's take a look at the other zombie activity that has taken a nation by storm.

On May 21st, just 5 days before the Miami incident, a Bellwood, IL man was arrested after he grabbed an 18 year old girl and bit a chunk out of her cheek.

Two days later on May 23rd, a pair of cousins in San Diego, CA engaged in a physical altercation that lead to one cousin biting the nose off the other.

Just one day after the Miami tragedy, NJ man Wayne Carter stabbed himself more than 50 times and threw bits and pieces of his own intestines at the police. He was not phased by pepper spray or the self inflicted stab wounds. He responded to the police saying he wanted to die and was prepared for heaven.

On May 30th, a Joppatowne, MD Morgan State University student Alexander Kinyua confessed to murdering his roommate, slicing up the body parts and eating the heart and some of the brain. He had been to his church asking for a bible in the days surrounding the event and he left some of the remains in a dumpster of another church. Kinyua had been recorded talking of blood sacrifice several times in the past.

On May 31st, a US cage fighter ripped the heart out of his training partner while he was still alive convinced the man was possessed by the devil. He also cut out the mans tongue and ripped most of his face off during the gruesome murder. When discovered the man was naked and covered in blood from head to toe. This event was blamed on mushroom tea, not bath salts.

Never fear, these events aren't exclusive to May 2012. Last year in July of 2011 a woman randomly snatched an infant from its stroller, slammed the baby against a pole trying to break its arm so she could eat it. And in 2009 one of the most disturbing events of cannibalism occurred when a San Antonio woman murdered her 3 week old son, ate his brain and chewed off three toes. She claimed the devil told her to.

These are just a few examples of the zombie-like activity that seems to be on the up rise. I would buy the "bath salts" excuse if I saw a consistent link between the various cases. But I do not. What I do see is Rudy Eugene was described as a heavily religious person who carried his bible with him all the time and read from it daily. Alexander Kinyua was a member of the Lutheran church, had asked for a bible around the time of the events and left the remains near a church. The San Antonio woman claimed the devil told her to eat her baby. the cage fighter was convinced his friend was possessed by the devil. The NJ man was ready to go to die and believed heaven awaited him. I see but one solid connection...the Christian Church and it's so called devil or demons.

Now I am not of the indoctrinated religion sort. I do not take the bible as a historical piece of holy text that proves the existence of one all mighty God and his arch nemesis the Devil. That is not the intent of this piece. In fact, I wonder if this isn't related to religious brain washing and Apocalyptic mass hysteria. People expecting the end of the world and seeing demons everywhere could just lead the over religious to the gruesomest of crimes. But for the sake of good journalism I would like to explore another theory. I do believe in the existence of paranormal entities. I believe there is substantial proof for the existence of angels, ghosts, or benevolent beings around us. In fact, I believe these spirits are our light bodies in their pure form. In their direct opposition are shadow people or what some call demons. Those beings are what I am purposing is creating this zombie presence here on Earth. Let's take a look at what the Shadow People or Demons really are and a small history of demon possession.

Most people know the bible tradition of demons or they know the movie version from the Exorcist. But what a lot of people don't realize is that demons and demon-like beings have appeared in most cultures throughout history. The oldest texts dealing with demons come from the ancient Sumerians. The Priests were said to perform exorcisms of the Gidim. Sylph-like demons tormented ancient Babylon, Syria and Sumeria. They were legend to possess mothers to abduct, molest, kill and often consume children. They would first eat the flesh and drink the blood of the fathers then move on to the offspring. Lamashtu was a demon legened to cause mothers to eath their young. Lamashtu was said to appear during plagues, famine and war. (Sound familiar, like the events of Revelations). Lamashtu was sent to possess humans and to eat the flesh of others after a signal from the Sun God. The signal, an eclipse. (Note that a solar eclipse occurred on May 20th, 2012) Lamashtu's presence would bring frightening behaviors of cannibalism and violence. Lamashtu was part of a legion of demons known as Gidim. They are conjured by ceremonial magic to be used as weapons. They attach themselves to vulnerable humans in order to feed off their rage, anguish and pain. As the demonic possession occurs, hysteria sets in, the mental resonance implodes and soon spreads like a plague. Eventually a critical mass of people are infected in some way. A virtual zombie apocalypse.

King Solomon was known to have had a ring that could command demons. Greek Philosopher Socrates wrote several texts on demonology. In another legend, humans could become possessed by a Wendigo demonic spirit, often in a dream. Once transformed, a person would become violent and obsessed with eating human flesh. And Pishachas were said to be flesh eating demons in Hindu mythology. Sometimes the Pishachas would possess humans leaving the victim afflicted with a variety of maladies and abnormalities resembling insanity.

Clearly demon presence goes hand in hand with human existence. I believe we have a greater understanding of the entities that have been known by so many names and exist in so many legends. Today a phenomena known as the Shadow People or Shadow Beings have come into the forefront of supernatural discussion. These shadowy beings are humanoid like figures that are seen flickering on the walls or ceilings or are seen in a viewers peripheral vision. They are generally believed to be evil and aggressive in nature. They feed upon fear and can be repelled by positive thinking and loving feeling. These beings are similar to the Cherokee legend of the Raven Mocker or the Islamic Jinn. Interestingly, during the time that I was researching and putting this blog together I was shocked to glimpse a dark shadowy figure pass by the corner of my eye outside the window. Perhaps these beings were alerted to my interest in exposing them. Perhaps digging through all of the negative traumatic events stirred up some emotions that drew them in.

Could the Shadow Beings or Demons be possessing humans? If so, for what purpose? The legends speak far to clear, they want to feed. They crave fear, insecurity, anxiety, anger, hopelessness and strife. The anticipation of a zombie apocalypse is creating a feeding pool of for these beings. The more we engage in apocalyptic paranoia the more we attract these hungry spirits. The more we allow religion to control our minds the more we open ourselves up to demonic attack. We can combat these zombies not with shot guns and axes but with hope. With hope for the future, with love for our fellow man, with peace, harmony, compassion, and kindness.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Truth About the Titanic


100 years ago today the RMS Titanic sank into the north Atlantic Ocean taking with it over 1500 lives…or did it? We all know that a ship sank on that fateful day, we know the names of those unfortunate souls that perished. But is the ship that lies at the bottom of that watery grave truly the Titanic or was it her nearly identical sister ship the Olympic? Could the sinking of the alleged Titanic have been the greatest insurance scam of recorded history? An insurance scam that lead to a horrible tragedy that will forever mark this day in history.

I believe there is significant evidence to support just this theory. Now normally I write about complex conspiracies involving aliens, religion or the secret undertakings of the government. But this conspiracy is a quite simple one. A quite common one. In fact, it is the most common type of marine fraud carried out even today. Simple insurance fraud, switch the boats names and collect the insurance. Could that have been the motivation behind the most infamous marine disaster of all time? Was the sinking of the Titanic (or Olympic) an accident or was it the result of a sinister act of greed gone wrong? Let us take a closer look…

The first little known fact about the Titanic is that Titanic was not the first and foremost of its kind. In fact, it was the second. Titanic was actually built side by side next to its nearly identical twin sister ship the Olympic at the Harland and Wolff Shipyard in Belfast Ireland.

Olympic was launched in June of 1911, nearly a year before Titanic took her maiden voyage. At that time Olympic was the largest man made moving vessel in the world. Olympic, Titanic and eventually Brittanic were three luxury liners produced by the White Star Line. The White Star Line was acquired by American financier JP Morgan in 1903 as a drive to create a monopoly on the very lucrative northern Atlantic passenger trade. Chairman of the White Star Line was J Bruce Ismay an equally ruthless business tycoon and a perfect match for Morgan. Most of the passenger travel during the time was immigrant ships which were known as coffin ships for the poor conditions on the ships. The industry was saturated with fraud and a lack of regulation. A breeding ground the the powerful and corrupt.

On the 14th of June 1911 the Olympic took its maiden voyage under the command of Captain Edward J Smith. The problem with the Olympic they found rather early on was it had a habit of hitting things. Only one week into service the Olympic was involved in a collision with a tug in New York Harbor. An accident that nearly caused the tug to sink. Only three months later on the 20th of September the Olympic was involved in yet another collision with the British Warship the HMS Hawke in the Brambles channel in Southampton water. It was a very serious collision which would seal the fate of the Olympic. Pulled in by the powerful propellers of the Olympic, Hawkes under water ram and bows penetrated the starboard side of the Olympic causing a hole several meters high and an even larger hole below the waterline.

The British Admiralty investigated the accident and despite eye witness accounts to the contrary they deemed the Olympic at fault. As a consequence of that ruling the White Stars insurers refused to pay out on the claim. Imagine a ten million dollar ship that had only been in use for three months with severe damage. And with Titanic not close to completion White Stars owners were in a panic.

Besides the holes above and below the waterline she sustained other damage such as steel frames buckled, thousands of rivets popped, steel plating dislodged over four decks and distortion to the starboard propeller and crankshaft. To make matters worse, the keel had been bent giving the ship a pronounced list to port. Interestingly, when Titanic took her maiden voyage second class passenger Lawrence Beasley a science teacher noted that the ship seemed to have a slight but permanent list to port (perhaps because he was unknowingly on the Olympic not the brand new Titanic).

The hole was patched up in Southampton taking about two weeks. In October 1911, with the ship temporarily patched the Olympic limped back into the Harland & Wolff Shipyard to receive more permanent repairs. Once dry docked the worst news came for the White Star Line. Repairs would require cutting the ship in half, setting a new frame, and piecing it all back together again. The repairs would take months, cost millions and was deemed quite simply a waste of time. The Olympic was given a virtual death sentence. She would never pass another Board of Trade inspection again. Morgan and Ismay decided to patch the Olympic up putting in a bulk head to strengthen her until Titanic was ready.

The patchwork and repairs took seven weeks to complete showing the extent of the damages sustained. To get the Olympic back to sea and earning money as quickly as possible they had to replace the starboard propeller. The starboard propeller stamped with Titanic’s number 401 but not yet fitted to Titanic was fitted to the Olympic.

Once the Olympic was back to sea her troubles did not end. In February of 1912 leaving New York Harbor she ran over a sunken wreck and threw her propeller blade once again on the starboard side. The loss of the blade shock loaded the engine and put enormous stress on the already weakened liner. She barely made it back to Belfast on one engine and in need of even more repairs. Putting her side by side next to her almost completed sister Titanic.

So, how alike were Titanic and Olympic. So much alike that the differences wouldn’t be sighted by the average on looker.

The Olympic on her sea trials in 1911
On the forward part of the C Deck the Olympic was built with 16 portholes.

Titanic 1911
Titanic was only given 14 yet somehow mysteriously she acquired two extra portholes before her maiden voyage.

Titanic on her maiden voyage
Before its launch Titanic’s B deck windows are clearly evenly spaced yet by her maiden voyage they seem uneven similar to the Olympics design.

Titanic during it's construction 1911
Titanic on her Maiden Voyage

That weekend of March 2nd, 1912 Olympic and Titanic sat next to one another for the very last time and that was when the decision to switch them was made. Facing bankruptcy at the loss of the Olympic and the hardening economic state with a coal strike at hand; Ismay and Morgan saw no chance to recover their losses without a simple yet sinister business solution. Take the lame duck Olympic and switch it out with its twin ship the Titanic or be stuck with a ten million dollar hunk of scrap metal. By staging an accident on the Titanic’s maiden voyage they could collect the full insurance money on the Olympic while brand new Titanic (posing as the Olympic) could sail around making money for the company for decades to come.

During those days swapping the ships would have been a relatively easy undertaking. No one was paying attention to the shipyards on the weekends. Photography was in its infancy so hard proof of a switch would have been hard to piece together. All crockery, linens and such was standard White Star issue and didn’t carry the names of the individual ships. Letterheads and menus would need to be swapped out, name plates on the lifeboats and 48 life belts. Leaving only the names on the bow and stern of the ship to be changed. This all could have easily been achieved with a very small well paid crew over the course of the long weekend.

It is very unlikely any of the common workers would have noticed the difference in ships once the change occurred. Both ships had tiled and linoleum flooring yet just before Titanic’s sea trials Ismay ordered Titanic to be carpeted. Perhaps to cover Olympics scuffed and worn flooring. Very soon Titanic was ready for it’s sea trials. Interestingly, the Olympics sea trials took 2 full days where Titanic’s was over in time for lunch. With Titanic’s seaworthiness they sailed her down to Southampton with their first crew. But any experienced sailor working in the boilers would have known very quickly that Titanic was not a brand new ship. Even amidst a coal strike that had left thousands of sailors out of work the entire first crew refused to sign on for the maiden voyage of the Titanic. Either due to fear of the sailing safety of the swapped ship or not wishing to be a part of an obvious insurance scam they each, for whatever reason, walked. A brand new crew was commissioned for the Titanic’s maiden voyage and plans were set for the final resting of the Olympic at the bottom of the sea.

The plan was to sink the cursed Olympic (now Titanic) on it’s “maiden voyage” but the problem was the Titanic was two thirds booked with much needed passengers. No one was trying or planning to cause the loss of life that resulted from the reckless actions of greedy men. Ismay & Morgan along with Captain Smith planned to scuttle the Olympic in the mid-Atlantic and they would arrange for another of Morgan’s ships (the California) to wait to rescue Titanic’s passengers and Crew. This would leave White Star the heroes all while gaining a full insurance payout on Titanic.

The California, it’s crew and its Captain Stanly Lord (who had a history of involvement in insurance fraud) had been stuck at the port of London for weeks due to the coal strike. Suddenly, and mysteriously, JP Morgan had coal delivered and the California was ordered to depart immediately. It was virtually empty, no passengers, no cargo, just three thousand woolen blankets and sweaters. Exactly what would be needed for the rescue of Titanic’s entire ship.

Consider this, fifty five (mainly first class) passengers cancelled their passage on Titanic at the last minuet. Most of them being close friends and business associates of JP Morgan. Morgan himself cancelled his own passage last minuet despite having the best suite on the ship, claiming illness. Yet two days after the sinking an American journalist found him in perfect health at a French resort with his mistress. Morgan also had several valuable bronze statues taken off the titanic an hour before she sailed. Florence Ismay, wife of J Bruce Ismay also turned down taking the maiden voyage on the most luxurious ocean liner, also claiming ill health. Preferring instead to take their children on a motoring holiday.

Now one thing sailors fear more than anything is a fire at sea. Yet Titanic had a fire smoldering in the #10 coal bunker. Instead of putting out the fire, it was topped off with 400 tons of more coal. The Captain knew about the fire, as did the chief engineers. Perhaps the fire in the coal bunker #10 was plan B. If all else failed they would tell the passengers there was a fire, let the smoke through the ship and evacuate.

It was apparent that April 14th, 1912 was the planned date for the sinking of the Titanic, as the California had left the port sailing full speed for days then suddenly came to a dead stop on the night of the 14th. That night strangely, Captain Stanley Lord had chosen to sleep on a couch in the chart room fully clothed rather than in his bed in his cabin. This was the same choice Captain EJ Smith of the RMS Titanic had made that same night. Lord also ordered the boilers on the California to be kept fired up and the engines on stand by. Why? Was he expecting some sort of emergency?

That night Titanic had received six telegraphs, three from other ships giving locations of icebergs, the other three from the California which was more concerned with giving their own position stating they were “stopped for the night.” Those three telegraphs were all personally addressed to Captain Smith as if to let Smith know that the California was ready and waiting. Tragically Captain Lord failed to keep his radio operator awake to receive Titanic’s distress call.

Smith had made an alteration that night to Titanic’s route despite the iceberg warnings. Not to avoid the bergs but rather to take them full speed straight into the ice field. He must have known this being a seasoned captain. Now it was not uncommon to run full speed in an iron steam ship through ice, any berg large enough to damage a ship the size of Titanic would have been seen in plenty of time to avoid it. So why was the California stopped? And why did Titanic hit the berg at all?

Around 11pm 1st officer Murdoch was standing on the open part of the starboard side of the bridge when he saw the ice berg about 800 yards ahead. He ordered the ship turned to port and inexplicably engines full astern. By reversing the engines Murdoch was actually increasing the risk of collision. Something he too must have known. Titanic should have easily avoided the berg and even if it had hit the berg head on she would have stayed afloat. One must ask why an experienced sailor would make such a grave error. Unless it was not an error at all, rather an order.

It was 35 minuets before the first distress call was made, 35 minuets before the first emergency signal was sent, 45 minuets before they started the pumps, 45 minuets before they started preparing the lifeboats, and a full hour and a half before the first lifeboat was launched. This doesn’t seem like the actions of a steam ships crew in an emergency. Why? Because they expected a quick rescue from the California. A rescue that just never came.

So where was the California when the time came? The error seemed to fall on the part of Titanic’s navigator whose estimated location for the Titanic was an entire 12 miles off. This proved to be a fatal mistake. Smith must have thought that the ship lights that he could see off in the horizon was the California but it turned out to be an illegal fishing boat. A boat that ignored Titanic’s distress calls due to their illegal activity.

At about midnight Titanic began shooting off distress rockets which the California saw and reported to Captain Lord who asked strangely over and over again “What color are the rockets?” Due to the distance from Titanic the crew could only see the highest rockets which were the white ones. Thus Lord dismissed the signals as fireworks from another vessel. Titanic survivor Ms. Edith Russell said the officers told them “Don’t worry the California will pick everybody up.” How could he possibly have known which ship would come to their rescue.

It’s very hard to believe that in such an emergency, when they knew the boat did not have enough lifeboats to accommodate the entire populace of the ship that they would allow lifeboats to be launched only half full. Nobody could be that stupid! Unless they expected that ship just off the horizon to come to their rescue. Too bad it was the wrong ship. The California was 19 miles away and Captain Lord was waiting for colored rockets.

At around one AM it must have occurred to Captain EJ Smith that the rescue ship was not coming. By that time lifeboats were being launched to capacity and the passengers and crew were beginning to panic. The Unsinkable Titanic was going down. Smith was well aware that many lives would be lost as a result of the actions of a hand full of greedy men. Captain EJ Smith chose to go down with his ship and became one of the over 1500 casualties on the early morning of April 15th, 1912. J Bruce Ismay on the other hand, one of the men to profit from the disaster would go down in history as the coward who slipped onto one of the lifeboats at the last minuet saving his own ass. The media would have a hay day humiliating Ismay for years to come. Only a small price to pay considering the situation.

The surviving crew was returned to England nearly a month after the sinking following a US inquiry. But upon arrival into England they were not immediately reunited with their families but rather were herded into a railway shed and held for nearly 24 hrs. The reason, non disclosure. They were forced to sign affidavits swearing them to silence about the incident. Namely rumors of ships being swapped and insurance fraud. The penalty for breaking this agreement…20 years imprisonment.

The British government held White Star’s interest in the inquisitions mainly because of the socio-economical consequences of White Star going into liquidation. That would mean more than 20,000 more unemployed in an already failing economy. Also White Star’s contract with the British government allowed for the military to use any of White Stars ships during a time of war and the prospect of war was increasing day by day. See what happens when we have big business controlling our governments. See what happens when a government cares more for the interests of the big money corporations rather than a single one of those people who died aboard that boat.

The whole inquisition was a wash. Even with Harold Saunderson, representative for Harland and Wolff Shipyard referring to Titanic as Olympic several times in testimony. The ruling, Captain Smith was not to blame because he was dead and could not defend himself, the lookouts were not to blame, the design and construction of the ship was not to blame, neither her officers or owners were to blame. In fact, no one was to blame except Captain Lord who declined to testify to defend himself. It seemed Captain Lord was to become the scapegoat in the whole ordeal possibly because he had failed to complete his part of the plan.

Titanic cost $10 million to build and as a new ship she would have been insurable for the full amount. In fact, just a week before the maiden voyage White Star upped their insurance on the vessel dramatically. The Olympic on the other hand, damaged beyond economic repair was only insurable for a much smaller amount. The motive for switching the ships was clear. Just five days after sinking the Titanic their insurer’s Lloyds paid out $12.5 million to White Star Line.

But again, with every good conspiracy theory we need some cold hard facts. For those we go to what is left of the 100 year old wreckage to prove that Titanic was indeed her sister ship the Olympic. And there is enough to make a damn good case. For example, where the original black paint of the hull is corroded and worn away there is a visible gray paint which formed the undercoat.

The problem is gray paint was only used on the Olympic and not the Titanic.

Examination of the starboard propeller reveals the number 401 Titanic’s number.

But remember it was the starboard propeller that was taken from Titanic and put on Olympic in October of 1911 after her collision with the Hawke.

The discoverer of the wreckage Dr. Robert Ballard has examined the stern section of the ship with remote cameras. He found that in addition to the lateral bulkheads that were featured on both Olympic and Titanic; there is a longitudinal bulk head where there was none in the original design of either ship. The position of this bulk head suggests a temporary repair has been carried out to strengthen the keel. But why would a brand new ship need such a repair? Perhaps because it was the repair of the damage the Olympic sustained after the incident with the Hawke.

And finally a close look at the bow could reveal the most damning evidence of all. In 1986 the French National Oceanic Institute examined the wreck with Dr. Ballard. One thing they checked was the name of the ship. In White Star tradition both ships had their names engraved into the upper bow plates in letters 4 ft. high. Upon examination they found Titanic’s name riveted onto the original plates. After years of corrosion two of the letters have dropped off and are lost forever to the sea bed. But where they once were, engraved into the hull are the letters M & P.

The original Titanic never received the glory of her first voyage filled with cheering crowds and celebration. What she did do is continue on as the Olympic for 25 years. She even served as a troop transport ship for the British Government during WWII. One must ask, could the Olympic have served out 25 more years after being given a virtual death sentence? I say, unlikely.

We cannot go back a century and change what happened on the Titanic. We cannot give comfort to those families whose lives were lost so many years ago. We cannot now, hold those accountable for their crimes that lead to the deaths of 1514 people. What we can do is learn from Titanic and Olympics story. This is what happens when man rules through greed, power and corruption. This is what happens when money is valued over human life. This is what happens when, We, the people, allow the government to be governed by big business. I fear that if, We, the people do not rise up against the fascist rule that is taking place today then Titanic is truly lost. And it will only be a matter of time before the next Titanic sinks.

In loving memory of the Titanic (Olympic) all those who perished with her on April 15th, 1912