Thursday, June 7, 2012

Blog of the Living Dead

With the recent reports of zombie-like cannibalism all over the news one must ask, has 2012 brought a Zombie Apocalypse upon us? I know that cannibalism dates as far back as human history but never in my 35 years have I seen so much bizarre human behavior. Am I advocating the existence of zombies? Not exactly. The definition of zombie varies from a voodoo snake God whose power can enter into and reanimate a corpse...thus creating the walking dead. To a more realistic definition of a person who is or appears to be lifeless, apathetic, or totally lacking independent judgment. That could include a large number of people I see on a daily basis.

Clearly those involved in the recent tragic events were not walking corpses. Rudy Eugene the infamous Miami Zombie who chewed the face off a 65 year old homeless man was clearly alive when he left his home the morning of May 26th. He was not a reanimated corpse yet his behavior that day was one of a zombie nature. For 18 minuets he brutally attacked Ronald Poppo, tearing the flesh off his face with his bare teeth and eating the man alive. When police finally arrived and ordered Eugene to stop, he turned to the officer with a piece of Poppo's face hanging from his teeth and growled. It was described that even after being shot several times he didn't even react much less stop. It took 5 bullets to end the vicious inhuman attack that cost Poppo 80% of his face. A scene that certainly seemed zombie like. So what might have happened to Rudy Eugene between the time that he kissed his girlfriend goodbye and left his home clutching his bible and the moment he encountered Poppo. What could have turned a normally God fearing man into a flesh craving zombie? The media was quick to blame a designer drug known as bath salts. Mephedrone is a synthetic drug of the amphetamine and cathinone drug class. It comes in the form of tablets which users either swallow, snort or inject. But methedrone has been around since 1929 yet we haven't seen an influx of zombies until now. While some rather harsh and nasty side effects are linked to the drug, none of the other "zombie-like" attacks have been linked to the bath salts. Let's take a look at the other zombie activity that has taken a nation by storm.

On May 21st, just 5 days before the Miami incident, a Bellwood, IL man was arrested after he grabbed an 18 year old girl and bit a chunk out of her cheek.

Two days later on May 23rd, a pair of cousins in San Diego, CA engaged in a physical altercation that lead to one cousin biting the nose off the other.

Just one day after the Miami tragedy, NJ man Wayne Carter stabbed himself more than 50 times and threw bits and pieces of his own intestines at the police. He was not phased by pepper spray or the self inflicted stab wounds. He responded to the police saying he wanted to die and was prepared for heaven.

On May 30th, a Joppatowne, MD Morgan State University student Alexander Kinyua confessed to murdering his roommate, slicing up the body parts and eating the heart and some of the brain. He had been to his church asking for a bible in the days surrounding the event and he left some of the remains in a dumpster of another church. Kinyua had been recorded talking of blood sacrifice several times in the past.

On May 31st, a US cage fighter ripped the heart out of his training partner while he was still alive convinced the man was possessed by the devil. He also cut out the mans tongue and ripped most of his face off during the gruesome murder. When discovered the man was naked and covered in blood from head to toe. This event was blamed on mushroom tea, not bath salts.

Never fear, these events aren't exclusive to May 2012. Last year in July of 2011 a woman randomly snatched an infant from its stroller, slammed the baby against a pole trying to break its arm so she could eat it. And in 2009 one of the most disturbing events of cannibalism occurred when a San Antonio woman murdered her 3 week old son, ate his brain and chewed off three toes. She claimed the devil told her to.

These are just a few examples of the zombie-like activity that seems to be on the up rise. I would buy the "bath salts" excuse if I saw a consistent link between the various cases. But I do not. What I do see is Rudy Eugene was described as a heavily religious person who carried his bible with him all the time and read from it daily. Alexander Kinyua was a member of the Lutheran church, had asked for a bible around the time of the events and left the remains near a church. The San Antonio woman claimed the devil told her to eat her baby. the cage fighter was convinced his friend was possessed by the devil. The NJ man was ready to go to die and believed heaven awaited him. I see but one solid connection...the Christian Church and it's so called devil or demons.

Now I am not of the indoctrinated religion sort. I do not take the bible as a historical piece of holy text that proves the existence of one all mighty God and his arch nemesis the Devil. That is not the intent of this piece. In fact, I wonder if this isn't related to religious brain washing and Apocalyptic mass hysteria. People expecting the end of the world and seeing demons everywhere could just lead the over religious to the gruesomest of crimes. But for the sake of good journalism I would like to explore another theory. I do believe in the existence of paranormal entities. I believe there is substantial proof for the existence of angels, ghosts, or benevolent beings around us. In fact, I believe these spirits are our light bodies in their pure form. In their direct opposition are shadow people or what some call demons. Those beings are what I am purposing is creating this zombie presence here on Earth. Let's take a look at what the Shadow People or Demons really are and a small history of demon possession.

Most people know the bible tradition of demons or they know the movie version from the Exorcist. But what a lot of people don't realize is that demons and demon-like beings have appeared in most cultures throughout history. The oldest texts dealing with demons come from the ancient Sumerians. The Priests were said to perform exorcisms of the Gidim. Sylph-like demons tormented ancient Babylon, Syria and Sumeria. They were legend to possess mothers to abduct, molest, kill and often consume children. They would first eat the flesh and drink the blood of the fathers then move on to the offspring. Lamashtu was a demon legened to cause mothers to eath their young. Lamashtu was said to appear during plagues, famine and war. (Sound familiar, like the events of Revelations). Lamashtu was sent to possess humans and to eat the flesh of others after a signal from the Sun God. The signal, an eclipse. (Note that a solar eclipse occurred on May 20th, 2012) Lamashtu's presence would bring frightening behaviors of cannibalism and violence. Lamashtu was part of a legion of demons known as Gidim. They are conjured by ceremonial magic to be used as weapons. They attach themselves to vulnerable humans in order to feed off their rage, anguish and pain. As the demonic possession occurs, hysteria sets in, the mental resonance implodes and soon spreads like a plague. Eventually a critical mass of people are infected in some way. A virtual zombie apocalypse.

King Solomon was known to have had a ring that could command demons. Greek Philosopher Socrates wrote several texts on demonology. In another legend, humans could become possessed by a Wendigo demonic spirit, often in a dream. Once transformed, a person would become violent and obsessed with eating human flesh. And Pishachas were said to be flesh eating demons in Hindu mythology. Sometimes the Pishachas would possess humans leaving the victim afflicted with a variety of maladies and abnormalities resembling insanity.

Clearly demon presence goes hand in hand with human existence. I believe we have a greater understanding of the entities that have been known by so many names and exist in so many legends. Today a phenomena known as the Shadow People or Shadow Beings have come into the forefront of supernatural discussion. These shadowy beings are humanoid like figures that are seen flickering on the walls or ceilings or are seen in a viewers peripheral vision. They are generally believed to be evil and aggressive in nature. They feed upon fear and can be repelled by positive thinking and loving feeling. These beings are similar to the Cherokee legend of the Raven Mocker or the Islamic Jinn. Interestingly, during the time that I was researching and putting this blog together I was shocked to glimpse a dark shadowy figure pass by the corner of my eye outside the window. Perhaps these beings were alerted to my interest in exposing them. Perhaps digging through all of the negative traumatic events stirred up some emotions that drew them in.

Could the Shadow Beings or Demons be possessing humans? If so, for what purpose? The legends speak far to clear, they want to feed. They crave fear, insecurity, anxiety, anger, hopelessness and strife. The anticipation of a zombie apocalypse is creating a feeding pool of for these beings. The more we engage in apocalyptic paranoia the more we attract these hungry spirits. The more we allow religion to control our minds the more we open ourselves up to demonic attack. We can combat these zombies not with shot guns and axes but with hope. With hope for the future, with love for our fellow man, with peace, harmony, compassion, and kindness.